
We design and develop games


To tell the stories of those who are creating a better and diverse world

More about us Get in touch

Promotion & Brand reputation

We develop branded kits for clients, partners and games’ enthusiasts

to strengthen the corporate image through gaming

Education and training

We develop didactic kits and educational tools for children and families, schools and educators

to talk about specific topics through games

Premio educazione Regione Lombardia 2022

Crowdfunding for social and environmental impact activities

We develop kits and gadgets for your community
to raise funds through the game

Added value


We will design and develop games to adapt it to the SDGs that you decide to adopt within your community or company.

Social Impact

We will organize game-based creative events and workshops to offer a unique experience


We will monitor the progress of the campaign and the level of social and environmental impact achieved for you

Enviromental impact

We will put you in touch with suppliers and organizations that promote eco-sustainable activities to increase the eventual impact of the project

Press review

Who talked about us

2 Dicembre 2022 | Can a Card Game Change the Future of Our Climate Crisis?
| Fonte: Pollination Project

4 Luglio 2022 | Conoscere e salvare la natura giocando: grazie a TIME-hive è possibile | Fonte: Envi.info

22 Febbraio 2022 | Il futuro delle api è…in gioco | Fonte: .eco, l’educazione sostenibile

12 Ottobre 2021 | Il gioco da tavola che esplora il fantastico mondo delle api | Fonte: Il Cittadino

Giugno 2021 | Green Craft | Fonte: Elle decor

23 Maggio 2021 | La tutela delle api con un gioco | Fonte: Il giorno
